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Recommended Course: English Composition I

Laura Voltmann

SUNY JCC Course Introduction: English Composition I ENG 1510 (3 credit hours) Class type: Lecture Course Description: Students will develop skills in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and argument. Students will read rhetorically and critically, and will analyze a variety of texts on current, inter-disciplinary topics. The course focuses on writing for specific audiences and purposes with an emphasis on academic composing. As such, students will develop skills that prepare them for academic and professional writing as they practice recursive writing processes and learn to enter conversations through informed and effective academic expression. General Education Requirements Met: SUNY Humanities Student Learning Outcomes: Students who demonstrate understanding can: 1. Develop organized, clear essays that demonstrate awareness of audience and purpose. 2. Represent and respond in writing to multiple arguments about a given issue or topic by employing rhetorical and critical reading and writing skills. 3. Reflect with specificity on composing as a recursive process that involves generation, collaboration, and revision. Topics Covered: · Writing as a process · The role of audience and purpose upon the writer’s choices · Thesis development and support · Digital composing tools (internet, search engines, library tools, file management, collaborative tools, etc.) · Use of genre-specific conventions, formats, grammar, punctuation, and tone · Rhetorical reading as basis of critical reading and textual analysis

Further information: · Course grade is determined by the instructor based on a combination of factors, including but not limited to homework, quizzes, exams, projects, and participation. Final course grade can be translated into a grade point value according to the following: A=4.0 B+=3.5 B=3 C+=2.5 C=2 D+=1.5 D=1 F=0

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