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Foothill College Course Introduction---Math 1A

Reighlyn Wang

Updated: Apr 7, 2020


  • MATH 1A CALCULUS. Introduction to differential calculus, including limits, derivatives, and their applications to curve-sketching, families of functions, and optimization. Offered on-campus, and online.

  • Class size: 30(on-campus class)

  • Workload: Most students who had a good grade think this class's work is heavy. You need to spend 6-8 hours per week on this class.

  • Offer Terms: Every quarter.

  • Prerequisite: MATH 48C or equivalent.Advisory: Demonstrated proficiency in English by placement via multiple measures OR through an equivalent placement process OR completion of ESLL 125 & ESLL 249; not open to students with credit in MATH 1AH.

  • Repeatability: Not Repeatable.5 hours lecture. (60 hours total per quarter.)

  • Foothill College GE Area: Communication & Analytical Thinking

  • Transferability: CSU and UC

  • Transfer GE: Information regarding how this course is applied toward CSU GE/Breadth or IGETC certification is available


  • Instructor: Brian Stanley

  • Class Type: MATH 1A CALCULUS

  • Teaching Habits: Prof Stanley makes a boring and difficult class for a fun one. He gives lots of extra credits. It's up to you to study and take advantage of those. Some of the most good-hearted professors that you rarely find these days. Very responsive to emails. Always there In office hours to answer your questions. His textbook is covered with detail examples and easy to read. Midterms and finals are very much like the book examples and homework. Hilarious lecture. Really need you to do self-study before the lecture, because he will not teach the most basic knowledge in the class, be careful about that! if you don't like this type of class, don't take his course.

  • Grade:


Sarah Williams

  • Class Type: Online MATH 1A CALCULUS

  • Teaching Habits: To succeed in her class you have to stay on top of the reading and homework assignments - both are very reasonable; not too hard or easy. If you are stuck on something, ask and she will respond with a very thorough answer promptly. Other students also chime in to help. Final is 70% of the grade so make sure you're ready for that day. Since her classes are all online, her exams are generally considered to be the easiest of all teachers, but only if you actually study.

  • Grade:


(1) Pass the Torch:

Pass the Torch helps you earn the highest potential grade in a specific course so you can advance to the next level.

We link students who excel in English, English for Second-Language Learners (ESLL) and math with students who want support in these same core classes.

You'll be matched into one-on-one study teams consisting of a team leader (tutor) and a team member (tutee). Teams are matched according to availability, meet for the entire quarter and work together in the specific subject in which the member is enrolled.

(2) STEM Center

If you're studying science, technology, engineering, math, accounting or economics, we have knowledgeable tutors who can help.  All services in the STEM Center are free. 

Zoom Tutoring Extended Schedule 

Go to Study Labs and Hours to see the STEM Center Schedule

  • Mon-Thu:  9a.m.-9p.m.

  • Fri:  9a.m.-3p.m.

  • Sat: 11 a.m.– 5 p.m.

  • Sun: Closed

Calculator for the 2020/Spring Quarter


Calculator Returns

To return calculators you borrowed from the  Library,

Scroll down to the "returning books and calculators" section

(3) Useful Website:

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