Cash for College Workshop is organized by ELAC to help students solve tuition problems.
When: Jan 27, 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
Cash for College Workshops provide FREE, one-on-one assistance to high school seniors, college students & parents to complete 2021-2022 FAFSA, CA Dream Act Application, and Chafee Grant application for foster youth.
East Los Angeles College
Attend a Virtual Cash for College
Zoom Link:
Workshop offered from 12 p.m.—2 p.m.
What do you need to bring:
Driver’s License, if you have one
Social Security Card or number, if you have one
Alien registration #, if you have one
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number, if you have one
List of colleges you are interested in attending
Parents’ 2018 Federal Income Tax Return form, if applicable
Parents’ 2018 W2s & other records of $$ earned, if applicable
Student’s 2018 Federal Income Tax Return form, if filed
Student’s 2018 W2s & other records of $$ earned
Current bank state-ments, records of investments, & assets
2018 Social Security Income
Child Support amounts received/paid in 2018
Any other income received in 2019, including untaxed income
Students who were in foster care, or were a dependent or ward of the court, at least one day after the age of 13 may qualify for “Independent Status” for the purposes of the FAFSA and the CA Dream Act and do not need to report their parent or guardian’s information. Neither legal guardians nor foster parents are considered parents when completing the FAFSA or CA Dream Act.
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